Individual Group Status

Mar 03 Exec Conf Call MOTION #1
  Laura Jean moved that the Individual Group Status for those athletes who have never competed in that specific named Team/Corps Event which was declared on the Declaration Chart 2002 and submitted to CBTF Data Entry be declared null and void.


Mar 03 Exec Conf Call MOTION #2

Janet Chisholm moved that the Individual Group Status for athletes who have never competed in that specific named Team/Corps Event be declared on the Individual Group Status Chart of the year in which the athlete intends to compete in that specific named Team/Corps Event.

INTENT: No other Individual Group Status levels may be changed other than those determined by the rule which moves an athlete through the status levels with unprotected first places in that event.


2003 SBM MOTION #9 (AMENDED - 2004 FBM - MOTION #30)

Karen Gratton moved that we accept Proposal #4 from the 2003 WTM which reads as follows:

That Level C or B Group Athletes competing in a Level A Group Event shall only count an Advancement Score towards Individual Group Status advancement if the group's final score, from a minimum of one judge, is 60.0 or higher.

Effective Immediately


2003 SBM MOTION #15
  Karen Gratton moved that the day after the Canadians each year shall be the date that Individual Group Status Levels shall be determined for the upcoming year.



Karen Gratton moved that a group must advance to a higher level of competition when the group's status advances. If however, the mandatory advancement results in athletes competing against themselves, the group must remain at the lower status level until the conflicting situation has rectified itself through advancement of the higher level group.

Effective Immediately



Linda Miller moved that athletes who hold Level C Individual Group Status advance to Level B Individual Group Status when they have acquired two (2) unprotected first place finishes as a group athlete in each specific event.

Effective Immediately


  Betty Davis moved that athletes have a separate Individual Group Status for Small Dance Twirl Team and for Large Dance Twirl Team. Effective Immediately



Joyce Ormshaw moved that, due to the restructuring of CBTF Teams, coaches must declare the Individual Group Status of their athletes competing on CBTF Teams as they choose for the 2003- 2004 competitive year.

Effective Immediately


2004 FBM MOTION #13

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #2, 2004 FTM be accepted as follows:

That the methods of calculating the CBTF Individual Group Status (IGS) be accepted as follows:

A. When TWO IGS levels are used in the calculation to determine the status of the group

  1. The highest percentage of IGS levels will determine the status of the group. Examples:
    (1) 52% B athletes + 48% C athletes = Level B group
    (2) 65% A athletes + 35% C athletes = Level A group
  2. When the two status levels are 50% each, the status of the group will be the higher level. Examples:
    (1) 50% A athletes + 50% B athletes = Level A group
    (2) 50% B athletes + 50% C athletes = Level B group

Exception: When the group is made up of 50% A athletes and 50% C athletes, the group status will be Level B (midpoint).

B. When THREE IGS levels are used in the calculation to determine the status of the group

  1. When each of the 3 percentages are lower than 50%, the percentages of C and B IGS levels will be combined and compared to the percentage of the Level A IGS. The highest percentage will determine the status of the group. Examples:
    (1) 30% A athletes + 40% C athletes (ie: 70% B & C) The group shall be Level B
    (2) 49% A athletes + 40% B athletes + 11% C athletes (ie: 51% B & C) - The group shall be Level B
  2. When one of the 3 percentages (greater than or equal to) is 50%, that status level will determine the status of the group. Examples:
    (1) 10% A athletes + 40% B athletes + 50% C athletes The group shall be Level C
    (2) 5% A athletes + 55% B athletes + 40% C athletes The group shall be Level B

Effective January 1, 2005


2004 FBM MOTION #14 (AMENDED - 2007 FBM, MOTION #32 - see below)

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #3, 2004 FTM be accepted as follows:

That a group athletes Individual Group Status in Dance Twirl Team, Twirl Corps, Parade Corps and Theme Corps (*see below re: CBTF Teams) will advance based on a MINIMUM SCORE being attained from at least one (1) judge (after penalties) using the following method (referred to as the "CBTF Group Minimum Score Policy"):

Level C to Level B
- A score of 40 (or higher) would advance a C-0 to C-1
- A 2nd score of 40 (or higher) would advance a C-1 to B-0

Level B to Level A
- A score of 60 (or higher) would advance a B-0 to B-1
- A 2nd score of 60 (or higher) would advance a B-1 to B-2
- A 3rd score of 60 (or higher) would advance a B-2 to B-3
- A 4th score of 60 (or higher) would advance a B-3 to A

INTENT: This replaces the necessity to have number of firsts captured for IGS advancement in these events.

*CLARIFICATION: The current rule for advancement will still apply to CBTF Teams pending further study by the CBTF Technical Committee.

Effective: January 1, 2005


2004 FBM MOTION #31

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #24, 2004 FTM be accepted as amended:

That an athlete cannot be a member of more than one group in the same size and age division in a given year. Example: Junior B Small and Junior A Small

CLARIFICATION: This would allow groups to move up immediately upon receiving their minimum score for advancement (providing they only require one more minimum score to advance as per the CBTF Group Minimum Score Policy).

Effective Jan 1, 2005


2007 FBM MOTION #32

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #6 of the Summer Technical Meeting be accepted as follows:

That the following revision be made to the Individual Group Status (IGS) process for Dance Twirl Teams and all Corps:

  • IGS advances from C to B when a score of 40.0 (after penalties) is obtained once.
  • IGS advances from B to A when a score of 60.0 (after penalties) is obtained once.

CLARIFICATION #1 - This revises Motion #14, 2004 FBM which required that a C group had to obtain 2 minimum scores and a B group had to obtain 4 minimum scores.

CLARIFICATION #2 - See Proposal #10 (from 07 STM) re CBTF Teams' minimum score requirements.

Effective January 1, 2008


2007 FBM MOTION #33

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #10 of the Summer Technical Meeting be accepted as follows:

That Level B CBTF Teams must obtain one minimum score of 40.0 (after penalties) in order to advance to Level A.

Effective January 1, 2008


2007 FBM MOTION #34

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #11 of the Summer Technical Meeting be accepted as amended by adding Clarification #2 below:

To accept that the CBTF declaration deadline will be the same as the entry deadline for each province's provincial championships.

CLARIFICATION #1: The IGS Tracking Process will remain the same throughout the year.

CLARIFICATION #2: The CBTF Declaration Form must be completed prior to the provincials' entry deadline and sent into the provincial group rep who shall forward to the CBTF Data Entry Coordinator prior to the date of the Provincial Championships. The Coordinator shall verify acceptance of each declaration prior to the date of the provincials.

Effective January 1, 2008


2007 FBM MOTION #36

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #13 of the 2007 Summer Technical Meeting be accepted as follows:

That we eliminate the "reverting back" rule for group athletes.


E-VOTE Nov 30/07 MOTION #3
  Karen Gratton moved that Motion #36 of the 2007 Fall Board Meeting be amended to add the Effective Date of September 1, 2008.


E-VOTE Feb 18/08 MOTION #E7-08

Karen Gratton moved that, for the 2008 competition season only (January 08 - provincial declaration dates), coaches be given the option to maintain or lower each of their group athletes' Individual Group Status levels (as of Dec 31/07) so that their athletes/groups come into line with Motion #32 and #33, 2007 FBM which state IGS advances when one minimum score is achieved.

Clarification: A coach may move C-1 athletes to C-0.

Clarification: A coach may move B-1 athletes to B-0 however may not move the athletes back to C-0.

Clarification: A coach cannot move A-0 athletes back to B-0 or C-0.

Clarification: A coach may move a C-1 to B-0 or a B-1, B-2 or B-3 up to A should they choose during this grace period.

Directive: If a coach has group athletes who have accumulated a number of minimum scores and wishes to move them back, the CBTF Data Coordinator must be advised by February 28, 2008 in order to amend each athlete's IGS. If not notified, the CBTF Data Coordinator will automatically advance group athletes to the next level.

Directive: All group athletes' IGS (revised or not) must be stated on the CBTF Group Declaration Form as of their provincial entry deadline date.

Effective Immediately


2008 FBM MOTION #34

Karen Gratton moved to accept Proposal #12, 2008 FTM that reads:

That the Individual Group Status (IGS) levels from Theme Corps and Twirl Corps be carried forward to Theme Production and CBTF Groups respectively.

CLARIFICATION: If an athlete has established an IGS in Theme corps and/or Twirl Corps, they may not use the 'Established Athlete Rule' to change said athlete's IGS in Theme Production and/or CBTF Group.

Feb 17, 2009 EVOTE

Karen Gratton moved that, for the 2008 competition season only (January 08 - provincial declaration dates), coaches be given the option to maintain or lower each of their group athletes' Individual Group Status level (as of Dec 31/07) so that their athletes/groups may come into line with Motion #32 and #33, 2007 FBM which state IGS advances when one minimum score is achieved.

CLARIFICATION: a coach may move C-1 athletes to C-0.
CLARIFICATION: a coach may move B-1 athletes to B-0 however may not move the athletes back to C-0.
CLARIFICATION: a coach cannot move A-0 athletes back to B-0 or C-0.
CLARIFICATION: a coach may move a C-1 to B-0 or a B-1, B-2 or B-3 up to A should they choose during the grace period.

DIRECTIVE: If a coach has group athletes who have accumulated a number of minimum scores and wishes to move them back, the CBTF Data Coordinator must be advised by February 28, 2007 in order to amend each athlete's IGS. If not notified, the CBTF Data Coordinator will automatically advance group athletes to the next level.

DIRECTIVE: All group athletes' IGS (revised or not) must be stated on the CBTF Group Declaration Form as of their provincial entry deadline date.

Effective Immediately


2009 FBM MOTION #33 (2009 FTM - Prop #21)

Karen Gratton moved that the Individual Group Status (IGS) system be eliminated. Instead, coaches shall establish the level of their group as part of their first competition entry or CBTF Group Declaration Form (whichever is submitted first).

CLARIFICATION: The expectation is that coaches will not change the level of their groups through the competition season.

CLARIFICATION: Mandatory advancement, through scores received during the competition season, will still apply.

Effective Immediately