
2008 FBM MOTION #45

Sylvia Kernohan moved that CBTF adopt the following standard Waiver as presented at the 2008 FBM for all CBTF sanctioned events that require a waiver:

CBTF WAIVER - Participant's Assumption of Risk

"I am aware and understand that there are a number of inherent risks involved in my participation in this sporting activity which are beyond the control of the Name of National Organization, Name of Provincial Organization, Host's Name (club), the Event Director, the Name of Facility and the Facility Owner. I further agree that I am assuming personal responsibility for any costs as well as any loss, damage, injury or ambulance service resulting from or in connection with such participation at the Name and Date of the Event."

I have read and understand the Waiver.

Print Parent or Guardian's Name _______________________________ Date ___________
Signature Parent or Guardian ___________________________________ Date ___________
(if participant is under 18 years)
Print Name of Athlete _____________________________ Club Affiliation ________________


2010 FBM MOTION #24
  Gail Ashcroft moved that, commencing with the 2011-2012 competition season, there be a comprehensive Waiver included in membership as approved by our insurer.


2011 FBM MOTION #3
  Joanne Moser moved that, beginning the 2012-2013 competition season, the Comprehensive Waiver and Media Consent form be incorporated into membership documents and the CBTF membership database.