
1994 FTM MOTION #33 (Ratified - 94 FBM)

Jennifer Meron moved that Recommendation #12 from the 1994 Summer Group Commission Meeting be adopted. It reads:

We recommend that, rather than being left at the discretion of the Competition Director, ties (by place points and total score) at all competitions must be broken by a twirl-off for 1st to 3rd place (for groups only).

Effective Jan 1/95


1995 FTM MOTION #32 (Ratified - 95 FBM) ** RESCINDED - 96 FBM - MOTION #9

Maureen Johnson moved that, at Provincial Qualifying Events, ties will not be broken. If a tie results for the last qualifying spot, both athletes will qualify. The 50% rule (1991 FBM, Motion #26) will still be in effect. The numbering system will be as follows:

EXAMPLE: If 20 athletes were entered in a provincial qualifying event, 10 would be able to go on to Nationals. Should ties for 4th and 10th occur, both sets of athletes would be able to go (ie: those receiving these placings would qualify: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, (TIE) 4th, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, (TIE) 10th, 10th.


1995 FTM MOTION #33 (Ratified - 95 FBM)
  Alison Brown moved that all ties for National Level A and B Winner/ Championship Events in final rounds must be broken. This includes individual, duet and group events.


1996 STM PROPOSAL #16 (Ratified - 96 FBM - Motion #9)

Brenda Hall proposed that the CBTF Tie-Breaking Process be as follows:

A. For all events (individual, duet, groups) at all CBTF-sanctioned open competitions and qualifying events, all 1st place ties must be broken.

B. Ties will be permitted below 1st place (except for groups - see Motion #33, 94 FTM)

C. In Qualifying Events, ties for last qualifying spot will not be broken and both athletes/duets/groups will be allowed to go on to Nationals.

D. INDIVIDUAL/DUET EXAMPLE - If 20 athletes were entered in a provincial qualifying event, the 50% rule (Motion #26, 91 FBM) would apply and 10 athletes would be able to go on to Nationals. Should ties for 1st, 4th and 10th occur, there would be a twirl-off for 1st place and both athletes who tied for 4th and 10th places would qualify. The numbering system in the above example (after the twirl-off) would be: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 10th and these athletes would qualify for Nationals.

E. GROUP EXAMPLE - see Proposal #32 - 97 FTM (ratified - 97FBM) (A recommendation is to be forthcoming from the 1997 Group Committee Meeting regarding a revision to the group tie-breaking procedures, if any.)


1997 FTM PROPOSAL #32 (Amended & Ratified - 97 FBM - Motion #22a)

Jennifer Meron proposed that we accept 1997 Summer Group Committee Meeting Recommendation #5 which states:

That ties in group competition be broken as follows:

a. Group Open Competitions:
- All placings remain tied

b. Group Title Championships (Provincials, Eastern/Western, Nationals):
- lst place ties must be broken by twirl-off.
- All other placings remain tied.

INTENT: To bring group tie-breaking process in line with the individual tie-breaking process.

Effective Jan l/98


2006 SBM MOTION #6

Karen Gratton moved to amend Motion 26, 1992 STM to read as follows:

That, when 3 or more judges are used (eg: Canadian Individual/Duet Winner/Championship rounds, Individual/Duet Grand Nationals), the majority of firsts takes precedence over place points. Should a tie occur, place points shall be added and, if a tie still exists, then scores will be added.


2013 Board eVote eVote B13-02

I move to accept the following Tie-Breaking Process for the International Cup Qualifier:

  1. Preliminary Round - All Events
    • In a Division of 20 or fewer, all athletes tied for 10th will move to Finals.
    • In a Division of 21 to 40:
      • From the Preliminary Round, the first 5 athletes (including those tied for 5th place) will move directly to Finals
      • The next 10 athletes, including all that are tied for the final advancing position, will move on to re-compete in the Semi-Final Round
    • In a Division of 41 or more:
      • From the Preliminary Round, the first 5 athletes (including those tied for 5th place) will move directly to Finals
      • The next 15 athletes, including all that are tied for the final advancing position, will move on to re-compete in the Semi-Final Round
  2. Semi-Final Round - All Events
    • In a Division of 21 to 40:
      • The number moving from the Semi-Final to Finals is always enough required to round out the Final Round field to 10 athletes. All athletes tied for the final advancing spot from the Semi-Final move on to re-compete in the Final Round.
    • In a Division of 41 or more:
      • The number moving from the Semi-Final to Finals is always enough required to round out the Final Round field to 10 athletes. All athletes tied for the final advancing spot from the Semi-Final move on to re-compete in the Final Round.
  3. Final Round - All Events
    • All ties in final rounds shall remain unbroken for all placings except the last qualifying spot in the division. That tie shall be broken in the following method:
      1. The lowest total place points (ordinals) from the Preliminary Round breaks the tie
      2. If a tie still exists, the highest Total Net Scores from the Preliminary Round breaks the tie
      3. If a tie still exists, the athletes tied for the final advancing spot will twirl-off with a panel of five scoring judges (along with penalty judges as required).

Effective Date: Immediately


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #16 (Pre-FTM Proposal 5)
  Karen Gratton proposed to accept the CBTF Events Tie-Breaking Process as presented at the 2013 Pre-FTM Meeting. Refer to the attached chart (Tie-Breaking Process Summary Chart - CBTF Events.pdf)


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #22 (Technical Proposal 2)
  Karen Gratton proposed to accept the WBTF Events Tie-Breaking Process as presented. Refer to 2013 Fall Board Mtg - WBTF Events Tie-Breaking Process.pdf