Regional Championships

1985 STM MOTION #13 (AMENDED - 85 FTM - MOTION #19)
  Debbie Nikolai moved that Western and Eastern Regionals be held for World Freestyle events and that five additional competitors be qualified in each division to represent the Region at the Canadian Finals (ie: five competitors who do not already qualify to represent their province in that division).


1985 STM MOTION #14
  Karen Thompson moved that each Technical Chairperson take Motion #13 of these minutes back to their Provincial Association for consideration and respond at the Fall Technical Meeting re: implementation date and approval procedures.


1985 FTM MOTION #20
  Sandra Watt moved that the implementation of the Eastern and Western qualifying events for Canadian Team Trials be effective as of 1986. Since the Western Team Trials are after the Saskatchewan and Manitoba Team Trials the Western V.P. will notify athletes of their eligibility for the Canadian Team Trials for this year only.


1985 FTM MOTION #21
  Sandra Watt moved that Eastern and Western Regional Championships be considered for points for Athlete of the Year with the same value as Provincial Championships.


1986 STM MOTION #20 (RATIFIED - 86 AGM - MOTION #14)
  Jane Niles moved that the topic of Eastern and Western Championships be discussed at the Board of Directors Meeting this evening after input has been received from the provincial technical chairpersons.


1986 FTM MOTION #10
  Debbie Nikolai moved that 1987 Eastern and Western Freestyle Trials be run the same way as they were in 1986 with the understanding that a revision, based on national input, will be in effect by 1988. This will include qualifying rounds.


1986 FEM MOTION #32
  Ron Kopas moved that it be mandatory to hold the Provincial Team Trials prior to Western/Eastern Trials.


1990 FBM MOTION #13

Betty Infilise moved that:

  1. More than 50% of a WBTF Team's members must come from the province that they qualify in.
  2. To qualify at Eastern or Western Team Trials, a WBTF Team's members must have more than 50% of its members from the region they qualify in.



Marjorie Graham/Brenda Cooper moved that we take the qualifier out of Easterns and Westerns (ie: that we run them as championships only, to be effective in 1993).

(This relates to team trial qualifying at Easterns and Westerns)


1992 SBM MOTION #21
  Betty Davis moved that the Easterns and Westerns not be mandatory for a one year period starting in 1993.


** RESCINDED - 99 WTM - Ratified - 99 SBM - Motion #12)

Sylvia Kernohan proposed that Western and Eastern Competitions be reinstated to commence in the year 2000 for Level B Individual, Duet and Group Winner Events.

Effective Jan 1, 2000


** RESCINDED - 99 WTM - Ratified - 99 SBM - Motion #12)

Linda Boyd proposed that, for the Eastern/Western Competitions, the provinces be split as follows:

Western Region - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan
Eastern Region - Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick

Effective Jan 1, 2000


1997 FBM MOTION #18 ** RESCINDED - 99 WTM Ratified - 99 SBM - Motion #12

Laura Jean moved that, at Easterns/Westerns, Level B Freestyles and Pairs may be offered.

Effective Jan 1, 2000