
1993 FTM MOTION #5 (Amended and Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Betty Davis moved that the Hosting Committee be responsible for selecting someone to read the Athletes' Creed (according to CBTF criteria) in both English and French. Selection will be assigned to the CBTF Athletes' Rep and must be approved by the CBTF BOD for Canadian Championships and Team Trials and to the Provincial Athletes' Rep and approved by the Provincial Executive for Provincial Championships and Team Trials.


1993 FTM MOTION #6 (Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Myra Kirk moved that the Athletes' Creed must be read at each opening ceremony for every CBTF sanctioned competition.


1993 FTM MOTION #22 (Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Susan Irwin moved that a CBTF Judges Creed be established.


1993 FTM MOTION #23 (Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Susan Irwin moved that the English Judges Creed be; "I will always conduct myself in a professional manner adhering to the rules and regulations of the CBTF. I will strive to make fair and unbiased decisions based on knowledge and objectivity, keeping in mind the spirit of the sport."


1993 FTM MOTION #24 (Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Lili Lepore moved that the French Judges Creed be: "Je me conduirai toujours avec une attitude professionele sluivant les reglements de CBTF. J'essaierai d'etre impartial et juste dans mes decisions basees sur mes connaissances et mon objectivite, en tenant compte de l'esprit sportif."


1993 FTM MOTION #25 (Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Myra Kirk moved that the Judges Creed be read at the opening ceremony at every CBTF sanctioned competition.


1993 FTM MOTION #26 (Ratified - 93 FBM)

Myra Kirk moved that the Chief Judge will be responsible for reading the Judges Creed in English. A designated judge will read it in French.

CLARIFICATION: A designated judge does not have to be contracted for that competition to read the Creed.


1993 FTM MOTION #27 (Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Myra Kirk moved that on the next distribution of judges' membership cards, the Judges Creed be printed on the back in both English and French. In the interim, the Judges Creed be included in the next Judges' update.


1993 FTM MOTION #56 (Ratified - 93 FBM)

Susan Irwin moved that the criteria for reading the Athletes' Creed is:

Shall make every effort to:

  • Appearance - sport appropriate dress with immaculate grooming
  • Conduct - display a respectable, professional manner with a positive sportsmanship attitude
  • Poise - exhibit correct posture and stance
  • Voice - convincingly communicate sensibility, confidence and enthusiasm with clear diction

Please ensure that the person reading the Creed knows that this Creed was created and written by a founder and dedicated baton enthusiast of CBTF.


1994 WTM MOTION #4 (Amended and Ratified - 94 SBM)
  Myra Kirk moved that Stacy Singer be asked to read the Athletes Creed in French at the World Championships in 1994 (due to past gold medal accomplishments). This is to meet the requirement requested by WBTF to choose an athlete from Canada.


1996 FTM PROPOSAL #32 (Ratified - 96 FBM - Motion #13)

Leisha Strachan proposed that the current CBTF Athletes Creed be updated. We recommend that a "National Creed Challenge" be offered to select a new creed.

Procedure: Each province to hold a contest and choose the best Creed from their province. Each province would send one creed to the National Athletes Rep. The CBTF Athletes Rep in combination with the CBTF Board of Directors will choose the new Creed. The winner will read the new Creed at the 1997 National Championships.

DIRECTIVE: Leisha to send out a letter containing all pertinent information to each province. She will ask each province to donate a prize.

Effective Immediately


1996 FBM MOTION #25

Leisha Strachan moved that the following provinces be in charge of selecting an athlete to read the Athletes Creed at Canadians 1997 on the following days:

Cdn Team Trials - English: SK French: MB
Cdn Team/Corps - English: ON French: AB
Cdn Champs (prelim) - English: BC French: PQ (SK-alt)
Cdn Champs (finals) - English: AB (Sk-alt) French: NB (MB-alt)

For the 1997 Canadians, if a new creed is selected, that athlete will be the first person to read that creed (ie: for Cdn Team Trials and Cdn Championships opening ceremonies).


1997 SBM MOTION #21

Greg Honey moved that the CBTF Athletes Creed, as composed by Leah Holliday and modified by the Board of Directors, be accepted as the new Creed. It shall read:

We, the athletes, promise to maintain a positive and friendly attitude on and off the competition floor. We will adhere to the rules and regulations at all times and demonstrate respect for all judges, coaches, parents, volunteers and, most of all, ourselves.

Effective Immediately


1997 FBM MOTION #25

Leisha moved that, for the 1998 Canadian Team Trials, the following provinces be responsible for the reading of the Athletes Creed:

English - Saskatchewan
French - New Brunswick (alternate Manitoba)

Also, that, for the 1998 Canadian Championships, the following provinces will be responsible for the Athletes Creed:

Corps/Group Day: English - Ontario; French - Alberta
Individual Events (preliminaries): English - Manitoba; French - Quebec (alternate- Sask.)
Individual Events (finals): English - BC; French - Saskatchewan

Effective Immediately



Wendy Cruickshank proposed that we develop a Coaches' Creed that will be read at all CBTF Competitions and be included in all CBTF Coaches Manuals.

INTENT: The Provincial Coaches Rep (or designate) shall read it at local and Provincial competitions; the National Coaches Rep (or designate) shall read it at National Championships.

DIRECTIVE; The Creed shall be translated into French.

Effective: Sept 1, 2000


2000 FTM PROPOSAL #2 (Ratified - 2000 FBM - Motion #12)

Myra Kirk proposed that we accept the CBTF Coaches Creed as presented by Myra Kirk. The following is the recommended Creed, inspired by Shammarah Robertson; composed by Myra Kirk:

We, the coaches, will display professionalism, integrity and respect for the letter and spirit of the sport by adhering to the pursuits of the CBTF. We will provide a supportive and informative foundation by striving to seek knowledge and gain experience expressing the highest regard for all members of the community.

Effective: January 1, 2001

DIRECTIVE: Creed must be translated into French.

DIRECTIVE: To be printed in Talking Technically 2001

DIRECTIVE: To be printed on cards for distribution to all registered CBTF coaches with the 2001 Technical Directory


2009 FBM MOTION #26 (2009 FTM – Prop#15)

Karen Gratton moved that the CBTF Coaches Creed be changed from

“…shall adhere to the pursuits of CBTF”


“… shall adhere to the rules and regulations of CBTF”.

CLARIFICATION: Lissa Lachapelle and Brenda Arsenault-LeBlanc will update the French version to match.

CLARIFICATION: This correction to be made in all coaches’ manuals, CBTF manuals and in the CBTF coaches’ section of the CBTF website.

Effective Immediately