Code of Conduct & Code of Ethics

1982 AGM MOTION #6
  Bunny Pawluk moved that the Code of Ethics stand as proposed.


1993 FTM MOTION #28 (Amended & Ratified - 1993 FBM - Motion #29)
  Brenda Cooper moved that we accept the CBTF Code of Conduct as presented.


1993 FBM MOTION #29
  Sandi Smith moved that Motion #28 of the 1993 FTM regarding the CBTF Code of Conduct be accepted in principle as amended pending legal advice.


1994 FBM MOTION #36
  Karen Gratton moved that we adopt the Code of Conduct as presented which has obtained legal approval and was researched by the OBTA Committee.


1997 FBM MOTION #30

Karen Gratton moved that sections of the CBTF Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics pertaining to coaches and judges be inserted into current Coaches and Judges manuals.

DIRECTIVE: Karen Gratton to prepare this and send to CBTF Manuals Co-Ordinator for insertion and a copy sent to each Coaches and Judges Course Conductor as soon as possible.

Effective Immediately


1999 FBM MOTION #4

Karen Gratton moved to accept the Revision to the Coaches' section of the CBTF Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics with the following amendments:

  1. Point #8 to be split into 3 parts to now read:
    • (a) Coaches shall not, in any manner, approach the athlete(s) of another coach or said athlete's(s') parents in order to solicit athletes for his/her club.
    • (b) If a coach is approached by an athlete or the parent of an athlete of another coach at a time other than the designated "open period" dates (Aug 31 to Oct 31), it is that coach's responsibility to ensure that the athletes present coach is informed before the transfer is complete.
    • (c) It is recommended that communication take place between the involved parties as a display of good faith during any time a transfer occurs.
  2. Point #10 - The phrase "eye contact" be changed to read "facial expression".


2005 FBM MOTION #11

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #2, 2005 STM be accepted as follows:

That CBTF adopt the following 'Judges Professional Image Policy': The panel of judges at each local, provincial and national competition shall present a professional image from the time they leave the judges meeting room until they return. At the judging table there should be an absolute minimum amount of conversation amongst the judges, thereby allowing judges to maintain their focus and integrity as competent competition personnel. A minimum amount of discussion may occur between the judges with clerks, competition directors and/or head judge as necessary.


2006 SBM MOTION #8

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #4, 2006 STM be accepted as amended:

That the Judges' Contract be amended to reflect that the judge has read and is aware of the CBTF Code of Ethics/Conduct and the Judges' Professional Image Policy and will abide by these accordingly.