Recent Items

Over the years, the CBTF Technical Committee has introduced many innovative steps to improve the development of our athletes, coaches and judges.  To name a few:

In 1978, Lynda Garland was contacted by the newly formed World Baton Twirling Federation with an invitation for Canada to join the WBTF. Lynda sent letters across Canada to ask coaches, judges and administrators to come together to work on the formation of, what was then called, TWIRL CANADA

CBTF Technical Committee members are elected to their positions for two-year terms. [Note: Provincial representatives to these bodies are elected according to each province's own by-laws.]

CBTF Board of Directors members are elected to their positions for two-year terms. [Note: Provincial representatives to these bodies are elected according to each province's own by-laws.]

General information about Canadians 2008 is attached:

  • Entry procedures
  • Competition rules & regulations
  • Information specific to Canadian Team Trials


The 2008 Talking Technically newsletter is now available for download.
