Judges Uniform

1983 FEM MOTION ??

That, as of January 1, 1984, Twirl Canada Judges will be required to wear the following while judging at Twirl Canada sanctioned contests:

WOMEN: red blazer, white blouse, grey skirt/pants, red, white or black shoes.
MEN: red blazer, white shirt, tie, grey pants, grey or black shoes


1985 FTM MOTION #37
  Donna Jones moved that grey shoes be the legal color for judges' uniforms.


1989 FTM MOTION #11

Betty Infilise moved that clarifications of Judges' Uniform and disciplinary action for non-compliance as effective January 1, 1989 be ratified.

Effective January 1, 1990


1989 FTM MOTION #12 (RATIFIED - 1989 FBM - MOTION #16)

Pat Stevenson moved that the procedure for carrying out judges violation of the dress code is:

At the contest, when the Contest Director, Chief Judge (other judge if the Chief Judge is in violation) and Judges Rep witness violation, the judge be approached. The "fine" is then deducted from the judge's fee based on established non-compliance regulations. The contest director is then responsible for notifying, in writing, the CBTF Technical Chair, CBTF President and CBTF Judges Rep as well as sending a copy of the letter and cheque for the appropriate amount to the CBTF Treasurer.


1995 STM MOTION #2 (RATIFIED - 1995 FBM)
  Jennifer Meron moved that Ron Kopas, CBTF Judges Rep, conduct a survey of CBTF Certified Judges regarding the colours of pants/skirts/shorts of the official judges' uniform and present his findings to the 1995 Fall Technical Meeting.


1995 SBM MOTION #14

Theresa Eyssens moved that the CBTF Judges Association Pin as designed by Ron Kopas, CBTF Judges Rep, be produced and distributed at no additional cost to all currently registered judges and any newly registered judges.

Intent: If the first pin is lost, the judge must pay for any additional replacement pins.


1995 FTM MOTION #34 (RATIFIED - 1995 FBM)
  Tim King moved that, effective immediately, grey and black pants, skirts and walking shorts are acceptable for the CBTF Judges Uniform. Starting January 1, 1997, all pants, skirts and walking shorts must be black in colour.



Deardra Leslie moved that Motion #34 of the 1995 FTM be amended to read:

That revisions to the current CBTF Judges Uniform will be:

  1. Walking Shorts - knee length
  2. Skirts - knee length to mid calf
  3. Hose or Tights - black, skintone or grey
  4. Ties/Scarves - grey, black, read, or a combination of the three

It is important that a professional and immaculate appearance be maintained.

Effective January 1, 1996


1995 FBM MOTION #49
  Karen Gratton moved that the cost of the Judges Association Pin will be $8.00 which includes postage and handling.



Ron Kopas moved that white lightweight sweaters with no lace, buttons, collars, zippers or other such trim be accepted as part of the Judges Official Uniform. Sleeveless, short or long sleeves are acceptable. Neck Line (crew-neck, V-neck, turtleneck) must be appropriate to the jacket style.

Effective Immediately


2008 SBM MOTION #24

Lucinda McMaster moved that black Capri dress pants and dress sandals be added to the Judges' Uniform Policy. Hose or Tights are optional. The following statement will be added to the Policy:

"Judges are expected to dress and appear professional at all times."


2008 FBM MOTION #29

Karen Gratton moved to accept Proposal #7 of the 08 FTM that reads:

That the Judges’ Uniform Policy, October 2008 – Revision #3, be approved as amended.

Effective Immediately