
2011 AGM MOTION #7

Joanne Moser moved to approve the WBTF mandated changes to the Charter by adding to Article A, sections 3.2 and 3.3 which shall read as follows:

3.2 The CBTF is a member of the WBTF. Members of the WBTF agree to and accept the principles of the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Code and its International Standards as well as the World DanceSport Federation (hereinafter referred to as "WDSF") Statutes and WDSF Anti-Doping Code and related procedures as a condition of membership, requiring all athletes, athlete support personnel and other officials within their jurisdiction to recognize and be bound by these rules and procedures, and to abide by the decisions and instructions of the WDSF Anti-Doping officials.

3.3 Members of the WBTF accept and recognize the authority of the WDSF Anti-Doping Commission and the WDSF Anti-Doping Director. The WDSF Anti-Doping Commission and the WDSF Anti-Doping Director are appointed by the WDSF Presidium. It is a condition of membership in WBTF that the WDSF Anti-Doping Code and all related procedures are accepted by all WBTF members and that all athletes, athlete support personnel and all other officials in WBTF are bound by these rules and procedures.

(NOTE: This constitutional bylaw change was NOT approved by Industry Canada)


2012 AGM MOTION #4

Joanne Moser moved that we amend the CBTF by-laws to add Article M, with wording as follows:

The CBTF is a member of the WBTF. Members of the WBTF agree to and accept the principles of the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Code and its International Standards as well as the World DanceSport Federation (hereinafter referred to as "WDSF") Statutes and WDSF Anti-Doping Code and related procedures as a condition of membership, requiring all athletes, athlete support personnel and other officials within their jurisdiction to recognize and be bound by these rules and procedures, and to abide the decisions and instructions of the WDSF Anti-Doping officials. Members of the WBTF accept and recognize the authority of the WDSF Anti-Doping Commission and the WDSF Anti-Doping Director. The WDSF Anti-Doping Commission and the WDSF Anti-Doping Director are appointed by the WDSF Presidium. It is a condition of membership in WBTF that the WDSF Anti-Doping Code and all related procedures are accepted by all WBTF members and that all athletes, athlete support personnel and all other officials in WBTF are bound by these rules and procedures.

(NOTE: This constitutional bylaw change was approved by Industry Canada)


2014 AGM MOTION #6

Jeff moved to remove Article M of the CBTF Bylaws and replace it with the following revision:

“The CBTF is a member of the WBTF. Members of the WBTF agree to and accept the principles of the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) and World Anti-Doping Code and its International Standards and related procedures as a condition of membership. Members of the WBTF, including all athletes, athlete support personnel and other officials within their jurisdiction, accept and recognize the authority of the IOC. It is a condition of membership in WBTF that all related procedures are accepted by all WBTF members and that all athletes, athlete support personnel and all other officials in WBTF are bound by these rules and procedures.”

Effective: Immediately