
2000 SBM MOTION #15
  Joan McNaughton moved that CBTF produce a website and that we spend the money ($20.00 per month) to have our own address.


2004 FBM MOTION #55

Betty Davis moved that Dana Peteleski be paid an honorarium in the amount of $500 in appreciation for her work on the CBTF website - to be reviewed every year.

Effective Immediately


2006 SBM MOTION #9

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #5, 2006 STM be accepted as follows:

That the CBTF Website include a members-only page with access for Technical Association members through personal passwords. The proposed cost for the creation of this page and password maintenance would be approximately $500 plus GST.


2006 SBM MOTION #10

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #7, 2006 STM be accepted as follows:

That the CBTF Technical Rule Book be made available on the CBTF Website to members of the Technical Association.


BOD E-VOTE Jan 28/08 MOTION #E4-08
  Jeff Johnson moved that the CBTF Board of Directors authorize Jeff Johnson to create a new website for the Federation using the name once it is transferred from Nelson Peteleski/Accent Technologies. This website is only intended to be a temporary (less than 1 year) solution until a new vendor is selected to operate and administer the CBTF website.


BOD E-VOTE (Feb 1/08) MOTION #E6-08
  Michelle Bretherick moved that the CBTF Board of Directors authorize the payment of up to $800 (plus GST) to Nelson Peteleski/Accent Technologies in order to affect a Transfer of Agreement for the domain name.


2008 FBM MOTION #16

Sandra Watt moved that CBTF discontinue pursuing the creation of an athletes' manual and create an athletes' page on the CBTF website.

INTENT: The Athletes' Rep to reference the draft of the current manual for information, articles already available there.


2012 FBM MOTION #19 (2012 FTM Prop #5)
  Elan Paluck moved to approve the new SDP adjudicator upgrade process for S2, S3 and S4 and switch from the existing mail-in process to the test videos that are posted and accessible on the CBTF website.


2012 FBM MOTION # 20 (2012 FTM Prop #6)
  Elan Paluck moved to approve the SDP evaluation revisions, new single copy athlete grading forms and adjudicator master score sheets to replace the existing evaluation and duplicate grading forms. New forms to be available on the CBTF website.