Technical Committee

1981 AGM MOTION #??
  That Twirl Canada develop a technical program and choose a technical committee.


1982 AGM MOTION #31
  That a Provincial Technical Advisor be appointed this year by their provincial executive and cannot be sitting on the National Board of Directors. At next elections, Provincial Constitution and/or Policy Manual will set guidelines for election procedures.


1983 AGM MOTION #??
  That the Board of Directors give power to the Technical chairman in conjunction with the approval of the President to implement Twirl Canada technical programs throughout the year as they become available.


1983 AGM MOTION #40
  Karen Thompson moved that the Coaches Rep and the Judges Rep have their economy airfare or mileage paid to attend the Annual General Meeting, upon availability of funds, effective June 30, 1983.


1983 AGM MOTION #44
  Ron Kopas moved that the Technical Committee recommends a two (2) year term for Judges and Coaches Representatives, effective with the election in 1984. 1983 - 1 year term to coincide with national elections in 1984.


1983 AGM MOTION #46
  Ron Kopas, Technical Chairman, upon the recommendation of the Technical Committee, submits for the Board's approval the following representatives to the Board of Directors: Coaches Rep - Sandra Watt, Judges Rep - Elaine Jacobs


1983 AGM MOTION #48
  Lynda Garland moved that the rules and regulations as submitted to the Technical Committee meeting and finalized through workshops be approved effective Jan 1, 1984.


1983 AGM MOTION #50
  Betty Infilise moved that the Twirl Canada Executive review the options for distribution of the Athletes' Program & inform provincial reps by Aug 31, 1983.


1984 AGM MOTION #??
  That Ron Kopas, as Technical Chairperson, will select the person he wishes to have as Technical Secretary for the 1984-86 term.


1984 AGM MOTION #??
  That Darlene Fisher be the assistant to the technical chairperson for the 1984-86 term.


1985 SBM MOTION #??
  That a technical meeting be held in the fall of each year separate from the AGM, starting with the fall of 1985. When possible this meeting will be held in conjunction with the Fall Executive Meeting.


1985 STM MOTION #15
  Ron Kopas moved that, when technical chairpersons from each province submit agenda items to the national chairperson, they also send copies to all other provincial technical chairpersons.


1985 AGM MOTION #22
  Elaine Jacobs moved that the motions made in technical meetings be accepted and not brought forward to the AGM.


1985 AGM MOTION #23
  Elaine Jacobs moved that the executive have the authority to make technical decisions in the interim between the fall technical meeting and annual technical meeting.


1985 FTM MOTION #3
  Sandra Watt moved that all provincial technical chairpersons prepare a written report for national technical meeting and distribute those reports at the meeting.


1985 FTM MOTION #32
  Debbie Nikolai moved that rule changes and minutes to be sent out to Technical Committee within 30 days of Technical Meeting.


1986 STM MOTION #18
  Kelly Brown moved that a new method of selection of National Athletes Rep be implemented by the new National Athletes Rep, to be presented at the 1987 Board of Directors Meeting.


1986 STM MOTION #32
  Jane Niles moved that commissions be formed under the following headings: Strut, Solo and Groups, to be put into place at the Fall Technical Meeting.


1987 FTM MOTION #2
  That the provincial athletes reps send their names and addresses to the National Athletes Rep to facilitate communication.


1989 STM MOTION #13
  Donna Robertson moved that the CBTF Commissions currently existing be eliminated and replaced with working committees as deemed necessary by the National Technical Chairperson. (See 1986 STM - Motion #32 above)


1991 FTM MOTION #19
  Betty Infilise moved that the CBTF Technical Meetings (Fall and Summer) do not run simultaneously with CBTF Board Meetings unless due to special circumstances.


1992 STM MOTION #5
  Theresa Eyssens moved that CBTF Technical Position contracts be developed by Nancy Beachin and a proposal be presented at the 1992 Fall Technical Meeting.


1992 FTM MOTION #16 (Ratified - Motion #8 - 1992 FBM)
  Loranne Meek moved that "Special Contracts" be re-named Special Agreements and state that ALL CBTF Technical positions must hand over ALL position material.


1992 FTM MOTION #33 (Ratified - Motion #8 - 1992 FBM)
  Loranne Meek moved that criteria be developed for the CBTF Athletes' Rep to give the position purpose and direction.


1992 FTM MOTION #34 (Ratified - Motion #8 - 1992 FBM)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that the CBTF Technical Committee direct the BOD at the 1992 Fall BOD Meeting to review the Athletes' Rep position.


1992 FTM MOTION #78 (Ratified - Motion #8 - 1992 FBM)
  Brenda Cooper moved that the CBTF National Judges Rep. receive copies of all provincial judges reps' reports that are given at a provincial level.


1992 FBM MOTION #5
  Susan Irwin moved that technical concerns/issues be dealt with in the proper procedure. These concerns/issues should be first directed to the Provincial Technical Rep. and then directed to the correct CBTF technical person. If it is directed to the wrong person, the correspondance will be sent back to the writer unresolved with suggestions as to whom the writer should contact to receive the proper attention.


1992 FBM MOTION #7
  Deardra Leslie moved that the CBTF host another CBTF Technical Meeting in February 1993.


1993 FTM MOTION #53 (Ratified - 93 FBM)
  Nancy Beachin moved that all members of the technical committee shall have a vote.


1993 FBM MOTION #6
  Sandi Smith moved that the 1994 CBTF Winter Technical Meeting be held on February 26 & 27, 1994.


1994 WTM MOTION #8

Theresa Eyssens moved that one criteria for the CBTF Technical Chairperson be that nominees for the position must have served on the CBTF Technical Committee for at least the last 2 years previous to and including the current election year.

Effective Jan 1/95


1994 WTM MOTION #9 ** RESCINDED AT 1994 WTM (Motion #53) (The rescinding of this Motion was ratified at 94 SBM)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that one criteria for the CBTF Coaches Rep and CBTF Judges Rep be that the nominees must have served on the CBTF Technical Committee for at least 2 years.


1994 WTM MOTION #10
  Jennifer Meron moved that in the interest of consistency, the Coaches Rep and Judges Rep positions be elected in alternate years to the CBTF Technical Committee. To achieve this, in the elections of Summer 1994, the coaches and judges reps will be elected for a one year term only. Then in summer 1995 there will be another election for a 2 year term and, henceforth, the positions will be elected for a two year term.


1994 SBM MOTION #5
  Herman Melanson moved that the CBTF Technical Committee hold a maximum of two (2) meetings per year.


1994 FEM MOTION #2
  Karen Gratton moved that we accept the resignation of Deardra Leslie as Past Technical Chairperson with our congratulations on her election to the OBTA Provincial Chairperson's position.


1994 SEM MOTION #6

Karen Gratton moved that all expenses incurred by the CBTF Judges' Rep, CBTF Coaches' Rep, CBTF Sanction Officer, CBTF Past Technical Chairperson, CBTF Group Rep, CBTF Badge Officer and any appointed technical reps. for other technical committee requirements be reviewed and approved by the CBTF Technical Chairperson prior to being submitted to the CBTF Treasurer. It is noted that CBTF purchase orders are required for all single expenses over $100.00.

Effective immediately


1994 FEM MOTION #11

Karen Gratton moved that Alison Brown be appointed to the CBTF Coaches' Representative's position for the 1994-95 term.

Effective immediately.


1994 FEM MOTION #12
  Theresa Eyssens moved that the CBTF Executive appoint Karen Gratton as the CBTF National Sanction Officer for the 1994-95 year.


1994 FEM MOTION #15
  Theresa Eyssens moved that the CBTF Judges Rep., Ron Kopas, act as CBTF Technical Chairperson while CBTF Technical Chairperson, Theresa Eyssens, is out of the country from January 7, 1995 until February 5, 1995. Theresa will provide a phone number where she can be reached in emergency situations.


1997 FEM MOTION #4
  Karen Gratton moved that the Technical Committee hold a meeting in the spring of 1998 to replace the 1998 summer meting. Date to be determined by the Technical Chairperson as soon as possible.


1997 FBM MOTION #1

Karen Gratton moved to accept the resignation of Alison Brown as CBTF Coaches Rep. with regret.

Effective September 26, 1997


1999 WTM MOTION #1
  Sylvia Kernohan moved that we accept the resignation of Brenda Hall, CBTF Group Representative with regret, effective immediately.


1999 SBM MOTION #14
  Karen Gratton moved that Kristine Kernohan be appointed to the position of CBTF Group Events Representative until the completion of the current term (July 2000).


2001 FBM MOTION #6

Joan McNaughton moved that we reduce the Technical, Executive and Board of Directors meetings to one (1) each per year. These meetings would need to be three (3) days in length.

Effective January 2002


2004 FBM MOTION #56

Betty Davis moved that the 2005 CBTF Technical Meeting be held July 9 & 10, 2005 following the Canadian Championships. The 2005 CBTF Board of Directors Meeting be held in Sept/Oct, 2005.

Effective Immediately


2006 FBM MOTION #13
  Loranne Meek moved to appoint Kim Johnson as the CBTF Manuals Coordinator and Brenda Arsenault-LeBlanc as the CBTF Music Coordinator for the 2006-2007 year.


2007 FBM MOTION #42
  Karen Gratton moved to accept the resignation of Michelle Bretherick as CBTF Sanction Officer and appoint Sylvia Kernohan as Sanction Officer until the July 2008 elections.


2008 SBM MOTION #23
  Jeff Johnson moved that the President be directed to form a Sub-Committee to develop an Athletes' Representative assistance program and return to the fall Board Meeting with an implementation plan.


2008 SBM MOTION #26
  Jeff Johnson moved the Board direct the committee that is reviewing the Constitution and Bylaws, Policy/Procedures updates to also include a review of the roles, responsibilities and duties of all Board of Director and Technical Committee positions. Directive: The Committee is asked to consult current and past holders of the offices being reviewed for their input.


  Karen Gratton moves to accept the appointment of Maureen Johnson as CBTF Group Rep for a one year term effective immediately and until the elections at the 2010 AGM.


2009 FBM MOTION #25 (2009 FTM - Prop #14)

Karen Gratton moved that the National SDP Rep, in consultation with the CBTF Technical Chair, be permitted to make reasonable minor updates to SDP badges when deemed necessary without need for a board motion to allow them.

Effective Immediately


2012 FBM MOTION #9
  Michelle Bretherick moved move that an Annual Conference be organized to replace the 2013 SBM, AGM, FTM and FBM. The inaugural meeting is to be held September 5-8, 2013.


2014 FEM MOTION #4
  Beth moved that the location of the CBTF Fall Conference shall be held in one of the two cities in which the national events will be held in the coming year. The location will be the city that is most cost effective based on attendees that are funded by CBTF.