Course Conductor Selection

1994 FTM MOTION #13 (Amended & Ratified - 94 FBM)

Tim King moved that Deardra Leslie and Ron Kopas be the only course conductors for the CBTF Judges Module II until the selection criteria be developed by the CBTF Technical Committee. (Deardra and Ron developed the course).

Effective immediately


(AMENDED - 00 FTM - PROP #16; RATIFIED - 00 FBM - MOT #12)
  Karen Gratton moved that the Selection Committee for Course Conductors for all Judges, Coaches and Adjudicator Courses consist of the following people: CBTF President (or designate), CBTF Technical Chairperson, CBTF Judges Rep, CBTF Coaches Rep, CBTF Group Events Rep, and the CBTF SDP Rep.


  Maureen Johnson moved that we accept the Course Conductors Criteria as presented by Alberta and amended.


1995 FBM MOTION #45

Joyce Ormshaw moved that the following procedure be used for CBTF Certified Coaches and/or CBTF Certified Judges to apply for the position of CBTF Coaches and/or CBTF Judges Course Conductors:

  1. Submit resume to respective Provincial Rep (resume to include full name & address, CBTF #, certifications, qualifications and other pertinent information) by September 1st of each year.
  2. Provincial Rep to compile and submit to respective CBTF Rep by September 15th of each year.
  3. CBTF Judges/Coaches Rep to present list of applicants' names at CBTF Fall Technical Meeting.
  4. CBTF Technical Chairperson to compile and prepare the list and resumes for CBTF Course Conductor Selection Committee.


1996 FBM MOTION #20

Karen Gratton moved that the following people be considered as Candidates to become CBTF Course Conductors after they have met the criteria pre-requisites and requirements:

Penny Duperron, BC - Level 1
Stella Martin, BC - Level 1
Denise Cuthbert, BC - Level 2
Karen Gratton, BC - Level 2

Tracy Eyssens, BC - Module I
Karen Gratton, BC - Module I, II
Tina Larson, AB - Module I, III
Wendy Cruickshank, AB - Module I, II
Brenda Cooper, ON - Module II, III


1996 FBM MOTION #21

Karen Gratton moved that, until an Official Course Conductor Training Program is developed for CBTF (following the guidelines and standards of the NCCP), pre-requisites and requirements for Candidates selected by the Committee and ratified by the CBTF Board of Directors be as follows:

  1. Candidate must attend a Course for the Course they are being selected to conduct that is run by a Certified CBTF Course Conductor.
  2. Candidate be required to run one of the Course Sections (as predetermined with the Certified CBTF Course Conductor). Although not mandatory, Candidates are encouraged to write the exams during the Course to better understand the Course's subjects.
  3. In the case of a Course NOT being offered in the Candidate's province (or nearby) within a year after selection by the Selection Committee, a Certified CBTF Course Conductor shall be called upon by the respective CBTF Judges or Coaches Rep to run a "Pseudo Course" and assist the Candidate(s) in learning how to run the Course.
  4. After the Course (or "Pseudo Course"), the Certified CBTF Course Conductor present shall send a Letter of Evaluation and Comment to the respective CBTF Judges or Coaches Rep, with a copy to the Candidate.
  5. After receipt of the letter, the respective CBTF Rep would then be responsible to contact the Candidate to inform him/her of his/her acceptance as a Course Conductor. The CBTF Rep would also discuss and review the letter with the Candidate offering any suggestions or clarifications, if necessary or required.


1996 FBM MOTION #22

Karen Gratton moved that the following revisions to the Course Conductor Criteria List be made:

  1. Add: Documentation (eg: copies of certificates, diplomas, etc.) be included with the applicant's resume to support his/her credentials and courses/schools/training.
  2. Revise #5 of the Criteria under "Procedure" to read as follows: "This information to be given to your Provincial Coaches or Judges Representative or Provincial Technical Chairperson prior to September 1st of each year who will research and validate the submitted resumes and provide a Letter of Endorsement for the applicants who meet the Course Conductor Criteria."
  3. Revise #6 of the Criteria under "Procedure" to read as follows: "This information is to be given to your Provincial Rep. to compile and submit all applications, resumes and Letters of Endorsement to the respective CBTF Coaches and Judges Reps. prior to September 15th of each year."
  4. Under Coaches Course Conductors' Criteria:
    1. Revise #1 to read as follows: "Coaching Experience - List years of experience coaching and levels of athletes coached (ie: provide a Coaching Resume). List highest level of CBTF Coaches Program attained to date. Applicant must have a minimum of ten (10) years involvement in Baton Twirling."
    2. Revise #2 to read as follows: "Attendance at Updating Seminars - Attendance at CBTF Coaches Program Seminars and CBTF Updating Seminars."
    3. Add the word "maturity" to the list of characteristics.


1997 FTM PROPOSAL #54 (Ratified - 97 FBM - Motion #22-A)

Ron Kopas proposed that a Course Conductor applicant may apply for consideration as a Course Conductor for a maximum of 2 courses per year.

Effective Immediately


1999 FBM MOTION #18
  Betty Davis moved that the CBTF Course Conductor Criteria be revised to include a clause that allows someone who develops or assists in the development of a Coaches, Judges, Adjudicators Course be allowed to become a course conductor for that particular course, subject to Board approval.


1999 FBM MOTION #16

Karen Gratton moved that Myra Kirk be accepted as a Pre-Level 1 (New Level 1) Coaches Course Conductor.

CLARIFICATION: Myra has been instrumental in the revision of this course.


  Jennifer Meron proposed that, upon Ron Kopas' obtaining his NCCP Level 2, he will be recognized as a Level 2 Coaches Course Conductor.


  Dana Peteleski proposed that Sylvia Kernohan, Lynne Dirkett, Sharon Donald, Debbie Middleton, Lora Neilson and Joyce Ormshaw be recognized as SDP Adjudicator Course Conductors (Yellow through Diamond Pin, including Specialty Badges) based on their contribution to the revision of the Skills Development Program. Effective Immediately


2001 SBM MOTION #21

Elva Taylor moved that the final Course Conductor Selection List must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Effective Immediately


2004 FBM MOTION #46

Karen Gratton moved to accept the following persons as Course Conductors for the following courses:

Level One Coaches Course - Jennifer Olson (ON) & Denise Daoust (ON)
Level Two Coaches Course - Denise Daoust (ON) & Sylvia Kernohan (ON)
Level Two/Module One Combined Course - Karen Gratton (BC), Tina Cameron (AB), Brenda Bennett (SK) - pending NCCP certification, Myra Kirk (SK), Brenda Cooper (ON), Ron Kopas (ON), Debbie Middleton (NB), Loranne Meek (AB) & Wendy Cruickshank (AB).


2008 FBM MOTION #23

Karen Gratton moved to accept Proposal #1 from the 2008 FTM which reads:

To accept the revision to the CBTF Course Conductor Selection Procedures and Criteria as presented and revised at the 2008 FTM.

INTENT: to be reviewed in 5 years.


BOD Conf Call Feb 9, 2009 MOTION ??

Karen Gratton moved that the following persons be accepted as L3/M2/M3 Course Conductors without the usual pre-requisite to complete the application procedures and sit through the course:

Tina Larson
Wendy Cruickshank
Ron Kopas

CLARIFICATION: All three were instrumental in the creation of past and current courses relating to this new combined course.


2009 SBM MOTION #11
  Karen Gratton moved to ratify the selection of Tracy Dunsford as an SDP Course Conductor (by the course conductor selection committee).