Affiliation Fees

1982 AGM MOTION #35
  Lynda Feingold moved that Provincial affiliation fees for 1983 be the same as 1982 (adjusted) with payment made by February 15th of that year.


1982 AGM MOTION #36
  Lynda Feingold moved that the fee for 1984 be increased by 25% over the 1982 base line adjusted fee.


1982 AGM MOTION #37
  Lynda Feingold moved that for provinces (ie: New Brunswick) whose baseline has not yet been determined, the baseline fee shall be determined by the number of athletes, coaches, corps directors, judges, instructors, etc. Parents and "other" memberships will not be included for calculation of affiliation baseline.


1984 SEM MOTION #1 ** RESCINDED ** - 95 FBM - MOTION #53
  Lynda Feingold moved that, since affiliation fees are due March 31st (end of fiscal year), any affiliation fees not postmarked on or before that date will be assessed a penalty of $100.00 for the first month plus $25.00 per month thereafter.



Jayne Paluck moved that the affiliation fees for 1985-86 be as follows:

  • BC, Alta, Sask, Man, & Quebec would pay 15% of their proposed budget total (approx $12,700), which would be $1,900.
  • Ontario would pay 22% of their proposed budget total which would be $2,800.
  • New Brunswick would pay 4% of their proposed budget total which would be $500.00


1985 SBM MOTION #12
  Pat Stevenson moved that 1985-86 CBTF affiliation fees remain the same as they were for the 1984-85 year as per minutes of 1984 BOD meeting.


1985 SBM MOTION #13
  Betty Infilise moved that BTABC be offered financial assistance in the amount of $700, which is equal to the balance of their affiliation fees paidsince the end of the BC fiscal year. This amount to be repaid at the amount of $100 per year or until the full amount is paid.


  Pat Stevenson moved that the 1987 CBTF affiliation fees be reduced by $900 for the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.


  Pat Stevenson moved that New Brunswick affiliation fees for 1987 remain at $500.00.


1988 SBM MOTION #2
  Elva Taylor moved that Ontario Baton Twirling Association affiliation fees be reduced to $1,000 effective in the 1988-89 fiscal year.


1988 SBM MOTION #3
  Bess Little moved that Ontario Baton Twirling Associaton be granted a grace period until September 30, 1988 to pay affiliation fees.


1989 SBM MOTION #3
  Laurie Mack moved that invoices for Affiliation Fees must be sent out from the CBTF Treasurer in order for fees to be due and payable.


1989 SBM MOTION #18

Laurie Mack moved that Affiliation Fees for the year 1989-90 be retained as follows:

$1,000 - Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta British Columbia, New Brunswick


1989 FBM MOTION #14
  Betty Davis moved that Affiliation Fees for the upcoming year be paid to the CBTF Treasurer as soon as possible but postmarked not later than November 30th of each year.


1990 SBM MOTION #11
  Brenda Cooper moved that provinces who re-register after an absence be charged the full affiliation fee. If they are unable to pay it, it should be put on the records as being outstanding and the outstanding amount should be partially paid annually.


1990 FEM MOTION #6
  Brenda Cooper moved that we accept Nova Scotia's affiliation fee cheque of $500 for the 1990-91 twirling year.


1991 SBM MOTION #18
  Sandi Smith moved that the outstanding amount of $500 owed by New Brunswick for 1989-90 affiliation fees be forgiven by CBTF.


1991 SBM MOTION #23
  Kelly Handt moved that affiliation fees for Nova Scotia for the 1990-91 year be extended to cover the 1991-92 year.


1992 SBM MOTION #16

Nancy Beachin moved that, effective 1992, affiliation fees for the new provinces/areas be as follows:

  • 1st year - $25/year
  • 2nd year - $50/year
  • 3rd year - $100/year
  • 4th year - $250/year
  • 5th year - $500/year
  • after 5 years - $1000/year


1992 SBM MOTION #17
  Sally Ford moved that all provinces which have been CBTF members over 5 years, pay an affiliation fee of $1000 for the 1992-93 fiscal year.


1992 SBM MOTION #18
  Betty Infilise moved that Nova Scotia be considered as a new member and the new affiliation fee schedule be utilized.


1992 FBM MOTION #36
  Noreen Olivieri moved that Quebec be given an extension of four (4) years in which to pay their $1000.00 affiliation fee for the 1992-93 year with notification of method of payment to be received by the Summer Meeting 1993. Initial payment of $250 to be made June 1, 1993.


1993 SBM MOTION #20
  Sylvia Day moved that the 1993-94 Affiliation Fees remain as they were for 1992-93.


1994 SBM MOTION #12
  Laura Jean moved that the affiliation, membership and sanction fees remain the same for the 1994-95 CBTF membership year.


1995 FEM MOTION #3 (Ratified - 95 FBM)
  Carol Robinson moved that we waive the $250 unpaid 92-93 affiliation fee from Quebec.


1995 FEM MOTION #4 (Ratified - 95 FBM - Motion #71)

Carol Robinson moved that member provinces, Quebec and New Brunswick, who have requested reductions in their affiliation fees for the 1995-96 year due to rebuilding their memberships, pay $5.00 per member for the 95/96 membership year.

INTENT: It is expected that these provinces will follow all CBTF procedures (ie: sanctioning, membership, programs, policies, rules, etc.) to the best of their abilities and will report to the CBTF Summer Meetings (1996) indicating their progress.


1996 SBM MOTION #4

Carol Robinson moved that we accept the Affiliation Fee Rate of $5.25 per member for the 1997-98 year as presented in Chart #2 of the Affiliation Fee Proposal dated June 13, 1996. Provincial Affiliation Fees to CBTF to be determined by the total number of members registered in a province less Type 03 (Recreation/Badge Athletes) and Type 09 ((Volunteers, Non-Voting). The number of members to be determined as of June 1st of the current year.

Effective Immediately


1998 SBM MOTION #5
  Laura Jean moved that we accept the Treasurer's proposal that Provincial Affiliation Fees be raised to $5.55 per member for the 1998-99 year.


2000 SBM MOTION #5
  Joan McNaughton moved that the CBTF Treasurer evaluate the CBTF's financial position and lower the provinces affiliation fees by a percentage that she deem reasonable for the year 2000-2001.


2000 FBM MOTION #7

Betty Davis moved that, for the year 2000, Affiliation Fees for all provinces, except New Brunswick, be waived.

DIRECTIVE: The Affiliation Fee Structure to be reviewed at the 2001 Summer Board Meeting.

RATIONALE: All provinces, except New Brunswick, contributed a $500 donation towards the running of the 2000 Canadian Championships. A profit was realized therefore all contributing provinces can benefit from this success.


2001 SBM MOTION #5

Rita Eggett moved that the affiliation fees be $6.60 per member.

DIRECTIVE: The impact of this figure to be reviewed in 2001 FBM Effective: July 1, 2001


2001 SBM MOTION #6

Rita Eggett moved that billing provinces for affiliation fees be postponed until after the 2001 Fall Board Meeting review of the financial results of the 2001 Canadian Championships.

Effective July 1, 2001


2001 SBM MOTION #7

Rita Eggett moved that the affiliation fee for the province of New Brunswick be waived for the year 2000. This would be consistent with Motion #7, 2000 FBM which waived these fees for all other provinces.

Effective July 1, 2001


2001 FBM MOTION #8

Tina Larson moved that the affiliation fees for 2001 be waived.

Effective Immediately


2004 SBM MOTION #8

Karen Gratton moved that the Affiliation Fees for 2004-2005 be accepted as follows based on $7.43 fee per member:

Province Fee
BC 542.39
AB 1,099.64
SK 1,077.35
MB 601.83
ON 2,110.12
NB 572.11
TOTAL $6,003.44


2005 FBM MOTION #7
  Betty Davis moved that the affiliation fees for 2005-2006 based on $7.19 per member be accepted as calculated and presented.


2006 FBM MOTION #9
  Karen Gratton moved to accept the proposed CBTF Affiliation Fee of $7.67 per member for the 2006-2007 year.


2007 FBM MOTION #10

Karen Gratton moved to accept the following fees for the year 2007-08:

… Affiliation Fees - $7.67 (provinces have been invoiced) …


BOD E-VOTE Apr 4/08 MOTION #E8-08

Loranne Meek moved to accept the Province of Quebec as a member of CBTF with the following provisions, rules and guidelines:

3. That no provincial affiliation fees are due at this time. The current affiliation rules for new provinces will be reviewed at the 2008 summer board of directors meeting.
(see New Member Provinces for full motion)


2008 SBM MOTION #30
  Karen Gratton moved that Affiliation Fees for 2008-2009 be $7.67 per member based on June 1, 2008 membership numbers.


2009 SBM MOTION #6
  Sandra Watt moved that CBTF use the numbers from insurance to figure out Affiliation Fees. This amount will include all membership types except Type E (volunteers).


2009 SBM MOTION #7
  Sandra Watt moved that the Affiliation Fee for 2009-2010 be $5.72 per members, excluding Type E members.


2010 SBM MOTION #21

Michelle Bretherick moved that the Affiliation Fees for 2010 be set at $5.76 per member (excluding Type E members).

Effective Date: July 10, 2010


2011 SBM MOTION #16
  Michelle Bretherick moved that the 2011/2012 Affiliation Fees be $6.42 per member.


2012 FBM MOTION #3 (eVote B12-01)

Joanne Moser moved to ratify the eVote B12-01 Affiliation Fee which reads: Michelle Bretherick moves that the 2012 Affiliation Fee be set at $6.29 per member.

Effective Immediately


2013 Board eVote eVote B13-06

Michelle Bretherick moves that the 2013 Affiliation Fee be set at $5.75 per member.

Effective Date: Immediately


2014 AGM MOTION #7
  Michelle moved that the CBTF Affiliation Fees for 2014-2015 shall be $6.50 per member.