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Nomination Form - Sharon Holliday Memorial Award for Sportsmanship

The nomination form for the Sharon Holliday Memorial Award for Sportsmanship is attached.

Completed Nomination Forms should be sent to the CBTF 1st Vice-President, Karen Gratton. Nominations may be sent by email to 1stvpatcbtf [dot] ca - this is the preferred method. If Regular Mail is necessary, first email 1stvpatcbtf [dot] ca and request instructions.

The deadline to complete and submit the nomination form is: May 1, 2024.

Please note: Any CBTF Member in good standing may make a nomination for the Sharon Holliday Memorial Award for Sportsmanship. The nominee must be a CBTF Member in good standing.

In 2010, the Sharon Holliday Memorial Award for Sportsmanship was created and awarded posthumously to Sharon Holliday, who was an active and involved baton parent. The criteria for this award are modeled on the example she demonstrated and are as follows:

  • A nominee for this award shall be a CBTF member (parent, athlete, coach, judge, volunteer) who exhibits the true meaning of sportsmanship as displayed by their interaction with other CBTF members at baton-related events throughout the year.
  • This person need not have made their mark at the national level, however, being a good sport at the local, provincial and national level, as well as showing good sportsmanship to CBTF members outside of their club and province, shall be taken into consideration.
  • A recipient may win this award more than once.
  • There shall be only one recipient in a given year.