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Christmas Fundraiser: CBTF + MONAT

November 25, 2021 - Steven and Kristin Kopas will be hosting a Facebook Party the weekend of December 3-5th. Facebook parties are designed to learn about the products, interact with the hosts and other guests and even win some fun prizes! You get to enjoy from the comfort of your home, with your preferred beverage without having to endure the Canadian cold weather. Can't get much better than that!

You're probably wondering, what the heck is MONAT? It is an anti-aging, non-toxic, naturally based, vegan hair, skin and wellness product line. I know you twirlers like your gels and hairsprays. But did you know over time, those products will build up on your scalp and cause thinning, frizz, breakage etc in the hair? Why not use something clean that actually removes that build up over time and allows your hair to thrive?Kristin will be donating 100% of the commissions made on your order towards the Canadian Contingent for World's in 2022. We know its been a tough time for a lot of you throughout the pandemic, so we wanted to give back and make it a little easier for you.

So tell all your fellow twirlers, family and friends. Fantastic gift idea for the dancer/twirler in your life. All orders would be delivered prior to Christmas.

Join the FB party at this link

Looking forward to seeing you, Steven and Kristin