Articles from Baton Twirling News from Google

Penn State's Touch of Blue national champions keep twirling all year long  Penn State News

Most people know the Touch of Blue majorette squad from fall home football game performances with the Penn State Blue Band in Beaver Stadium. But twirling ...

Anti-princess branding beyond the bandwagon  Christian Science Monitor

Anti-princess marketing campaigns have earned a lot of public good will as two resoundingly anti-princess themed ads have gone viral in the last few days.

Baton twirling teaches skills, confidence to girls  Frederick News Post

EMMITSBURG — If you want to do fijimi rolls, finger twirls and tosses, you will need a baton and lots of practice.

First “Blue Sapphire” Works to Generate Scholarship Support for Feature Twirler  Penn State News

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Former Blue Band feature twirler Lori Bowers Uhazie knows from experience how important scholarships are for many college ...

Q-C teen takes twirling talents all the way to South America  Quad City Times

As a champion baton twirler, ballet dancer and juggler of the demands those activities place on her time, Annabel McAtee knows a lot about having things up in ...

Kathie Lee and Hoda give it a twirl (and say sorry)

We need to say that we are SUCH idiots.” When Hoda starts off with that sentence, you can only imagine what's coming next. But she was actually referring to a ...

Miss America crowns 2014 winner  USA TODAY

Miss America 2014 was crowned in Atlantic City. Who's wearing the tiara?

Miss America parade to brighten Boardwalk  Press of Atlantic City

Atlantic City locals might know their Miss America parades, but they've never seen one quite like the massive sparkly contingent that will descend on the ...

Bayonne baton specialists passing on their skills to younger generation

At the age of five, Bayonne resident Sharyn Falat twirled a baton for the first time and in that moment developed a lifelong passion for the sport.

Pete McMartin: Something to twirl about in Abbotsford  Vancouver Sun

I can honestly say I had not given a thought to baton twirling since, well ... ever, until the following.

Twirl, Girl! | Feature Stories  The Missourian

This fall, crowds gathered for the pregame show at St. Francis Borgia Regional High School home football games will be treated to an Olympic gold medal ...

The Latest in Bad Ideas: Shotgun twirling (VIDEO)

Somewhere in the Middle East a group of individuals banded together, walking down the street as they twirl shotguns through the air like a baton. Muzzle ...

Springfield, home of the Simpsons, becomes theme-park-within-theme-park at Universal Orlando - NY Daily News  New York Daily News

The Simpsons are going to Florida! Universal Orlando announced Thursday that the animated TV family will headline The World of Springfield — a new area ...

Why Terrence Malick's Badlands was so good – and still is, 40 years later  Globe and Mail

Badlands, the extraordinary first film directed by Terrence Malick, a 30-year-old Harvard graduate and Rhodes Scholar then known primarily for translating ...
