Trans-Canada Divisions

1985 FEM MOTION #15
  Lynda Feingold moved that the present ruling on ratio of athletes on a provincial team remain the same at more than 50%.


  Wendy Harmen/Bev Latrace moved that the majority of members on an inter-provincial WBTF Team will determine the province they will compete in. (If a tie still exists, then the CBTF Executive will determine which province the team will compete in).


1992 FTM MOTION #37 (Ratified - Motion #8 - 92 FBM)

Jennifer Meron moved that, regarding CBTF/WBTF team trials:

  • That to be eligible to enter the provincial team trials, the team must be composed 100% of members of the province.
  • That in order to ensure the best possible team advances to World Championships, we implement "Trans-Canada Teams". Such teams could be composed of members from any province.


1992 FTM MOTION #38 (Ratified - Motion #8 - 92 FBM)
(Amended - Motion #22 - 98 SBM)
(Amended - 2004 FBM - Motion #33)

Jennifer Meron moved that Trans-Canada Teams qualify for Canadian Championships as follows:

  1. Majority of team residency dictates province to perform in. (If no majority exists, the team coach determines the province to perform in).
  2. The Team must receive a minimum Average Total Score in order to qualify for Canadian Team Trials.
  3. That the minimum score of 40.000 must be attained in any round from at least one judge.

Note: Trans-Canada Teams will not compete against provincial teams at provincial team trials and will not be placed.


1993 STM MOTION #3
  Jennifer Meron moved that, regarding WBTF provincial teams and Trans- Canada Teams: an athlete may only be a member (competitor or alternate) of one team.


1994 WTM MOTION #33 (Ratified - 94 FBM) **RESCINDED - 98 WTM Prop #11 - Ratified - Mot #30 - 98 SBM
  Linda Boyd moved that CBTF Pairs combined from different provinces may compete in either/or province. In order to qualify they must place in Top 5. Because they are not both residents of the province, if they place Top 5, that province's 6th place pair will go to Nationals.


1994 WTM MOTION #34 (Ratified - 94 SBM)
  Tina Larson moved that a Pair comprised of members from different provinces will henceforth be called a Trans-Canada Pair.


1994 WTM MOTION #35 (Amended & Ratified - 94 SBM)
(Amended - Motion #23 - 98 SBM: Deleted words "No awards will be given for placing.")
  Jennifer Meron moved that Trans-Canada Pairs will compete at a provincial team trial in a province in which one of the athletes resides in order to qualify for Canadians.


1994 FTM MOTION #6 (Ratified - 94 FBM)

Linda Boyd moved that WBTF Teams and Pairs must declare in the province they intend to compete in.

Effective Jan 1/95


1996 STM PROPOSAL #27 (Ratified - Motion #9 - 96 FBM)
  Jennifer Meron proposed that an athlete cannot be a member of both a Provincial and Trans-Canada Pair in the same year.


1998 WTM PROPOSAL #8 (Ratified - Motion #30 - 98 SBM)

Leisha Strachan moved that the Trans-Canada Pairs qualify for the Canadian Team Trials as follows:

  1. The Pair must receive a minimum score in order to qualify for Canadian Team Trials.
  2. The minimum Average Total Score must be 40.000.
  3. The minimum Average Total Score must be obtained in any round of the qualification competition.

A Trans-Canada Pair will not compete against Provincial Pairs at Provincial Team Trials and will not be placed.

The Trans-Canada Pair Competition will take place directly before or after the Provincial Pair Competition.


1998 WTM PROPOSAL #9 (Ratified - Motion #30 - 98 SBM)
  Tina Larson proposed that the number of rounds for Trans-Canada Pairs and Teams at a Provincial Team Trials, be determined by the same criteria as exists for Provincial Team Trials round determination (ie: a minimum of two rounds will be run).


2012 FBM MOTION #26 (2012 FTM Prop #11)

Elan Paluck moved that all Trans-Canada events: Trans-Canada duets, Trans-Canada twirl teams, Trans-Canada CBTF teams, Trans-Canada WBTF Teams and Trans-Canada WBTF pairs, shall be comprised of athletes from any CBTF member province or non-member province who hold current CBTF memberships. All Trans-Canada events shall qualify to compete at the Canadian Team Trials and Canadian Winner/Championship events by entering a provincial team trial qualifier or provincial winner/championship event with the following provisions:

  • The coach will determine the province in which the duet, team or pair shall perform.
  • In order to qualify for the Canadian competitions, all Trans-Canada events must be entered and performed at Provincials and shall be scored for score Sheet only. They will not compete against provincial duets, teams or pairs and will not receive a placement.
  • At Provincials, all Trans-Canada events shall take place directly before or after the provincial team and duet events.
  • At a provincial team trial qualifier, the same number of rounds will be run for Provincial and Trans-Canada events.
  • Trans-Canada events shall compete against their counterparts in provincial teams, pairs and duets and receive placements at the Canadian Team Trials and Canadian Winner/Championship.

CLARIFICATION: This shall supersede all past motions pertaining to Trans-Canada teams and pairs qualifying for the Canadian Team Trials.