
1982 AGM MOTION #14
  Elaine Jacobs moved that Maureen Johnson contact the Pioneer Group of Companies in regard to publishing a newsletter or magazine for the Twirl Canada Federation.


1982 FEM MOTION #??
  That Twirl Canada Federation institute a newsletter.


1982 FEM MOTION #??
  That we have two newsletters - the first published in Jan/Feb, the second in Sept/Oct.


1983 AGM MOTION #??
  That Carrie McKitrick be the new Twirl Canada newsletter editor.


1983 FEM MOTION #?? (AMENDED - 1990 SBM - MOTION #16)

Moved that: Twirl Canada Newspaper, the prices of ads be for the year 1983-84:

Full Page $200
Half Page $120
One Third Page $ 80
One Quarter Page $ 60
One Eighth Page $ 40
Business Card $ 30


1984 AGM MOTION #??
  That Carrie McKitrick continue as editor of the Twirl Canada newspaper.


1984 AGM MOTION #??
  That Carrie be placed on the mailing list to receive all provincial newsletters.


1984 AGM MOTION #??
  That each province is responsible for at least one full page of advertising in every Twirl Canada newspaper.


1985 SEM MOTION #??
  That we look into the availability of Canada Manpower Provincial or Federal Grants to be applied towards a paid position of Newspaper Editor on a part time basis.


1985 SEM MOTION #3
  That Carrie McKitrick be asked to continue as Editor of the Newspaper and the CBTF find means of reimbursement for her time.


1985 AGM MOTION #2
  Ron Kopas moved that provincial newsletters also be distributed to executive members.


1986 SEM MOTION #7
  Lynda Feingold moved that Bess Little be Chairperson of Newspaper Committee and that responsibility of Newspaper be under the portfolio of the Eastern Vice-President.


1986 SBM MOTION #??
  That Bess Little be chairperson of the newspaper.


1986 FBM MOTION #?? (AMENDED - 1990 SBM - Motion #16)
  Moved that Bess Little be Chairperson of the Newspaper Committee and that the responsibility for the newspaper be under the portfolio of the Eastern Vice-President for the years 1986-88.


1991 FBM MOTION #5
  Elva Taylor moved that Carrie McKitrick be offered a contract for one year (2 issues) for printing a CBTF National Newspaper/Newsletter, given that there be no costs to CBTF and that CBTF has the opportunity to proof and edit the paper prior to printing and distribution. (Space is to be provided for each province for input).


1992 FTM MOTION #91 (RATIFIED - 1992 FBM -MOTION #8)
  Brenda Cooper moved that the CBTF Treasurer look into the amount of funds that could be allocated to a CBTF National Newsletter. The CBTF Treasurer to then contact any interested party to see if they are interested in publishing said newsletter. If there is someone, the CBTF Treasurer should then try and come to an amicable agreeement to bring to the summer CBTF BOD meeting.


1998 FBM MOTION #30
  Joan McNaughton moved that a National Newsletter with the use of the Alberta help, with input from across the country, to be published as soon as possible.