Honourary Members

1990 AGM MOTION #3
  Sally Ford moved that we approve the payment of CBTF Type 01 Membership fees for all unpaid active honourary members for the year 1989-90.


1994 FEM MOTION #8
  Theresa Eyssens moved that we accept the CBTF Honourary Membership Form as presented and amended by K. Gratton.


1995 SBM MOTION #18
  That the following people become Honourary Members of the CBTF: Sandra Watt, Debbie Nikolai, Betty Infilise, Carol Kuntz and Laurie Mack. (If any of the above noved persons are already CBTF Honourary Members, her name will be removed from the list). Presentation and announcement to be at the 1996 Canadians.


1997 FBM MOTION #9

Karen Gratton moved that Section XIV, Part C "CBTF Honourary Membership" of the CBTF Policy Manual be revised as follows:

2(a) The nominee shall have made significant contributions to CBTF and the development of Baton Twirling on a national level for a minimum of three (3) years.

2(c) Honourary Membership Nomination Forms shall be distributed to all CBTF Board Members by the CBTF First Vice-President by August 1st of each year. Forms are to be completed and returned to the CBTF First Vice-President prior to September 30th of each year.

2(e) Copies of the completed nomination forms shall be distributed to the CBTF Executive Committee members thirty (30) days prior to the Fall CBTF Executive Meeting.

2(f) A maximum of three (3) Honourary Members shall be chosen at the Fall Executive Meeting and recognized at a special Awards Ceremony to be held at the next Canadian Championships.


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #35
  I move that in 2014 the maximum be set at one Lifetime Achievement Award and one Honorary Membership.