Course Conductors

1988 FTM MOTION #9
  That the National Jduges Rep develop a Judges Course Conductors qualification process.


1990 STM MOTION #20
  Nancy Beachin moved that the judges course conductor requirements be accepted as presented effective July 1, 1990.


1990 FTM MOTION #33 (RATIFIED - 1990 FBM - Motion #18)
  Shelley Vassell moved that it be recommended that each province should have a minimum of one course conductor for Module 1 (judges).


1991 FTM MOTION #21 (RATIFIED - 1991 SBM - Motion #25)
  Marjorie Graham moved that payment for Pre-Level 1 Coaches Course Conductors be $150.00 for whole seminar (includes marking exams, record keeping) and $250.00 for Level 1. Payment for testers for practice section be $10.00 per hour.


1992 STM MOTION #14 (RATIFIED - 1992 SBM - Motion #27)
  Jennifer Meron moved that a course conductors seminar for judges Module 2 be held at the 1993 Canadians in Winnipeg.


1992 STM MOTION #15 (RATIFIED - 1992 SBM - Motion #27)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that CBTF Judges Module 1 course materials be packaged and sent out to all Judges Module 1 Course Conductors be the Judges Rep.


1992 STM MOTION #19 (RATIFIED - 1992 SBM - Motion #27)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that CBTF Coaches Rep and Judges Rep establish a course conductors fee schedule and present it at the Fall Technical Meeting.


1992 FTM MOTION #80 (RATIFIED - 1992 FBM - Motion #8)
  Brenda Cooper moved that each province send a list to include a maximum of 3 officials/judges' names to be considered for CBTF Officials/Judges Module 2 Course Conductors to the CBTF Judges Rep by the 1993 CBTF Summer Technical Meeting. A concise resume of each candidate to be included. These 3 judges/officials MAY include CBTF Module 1 Officials/Judges Course Conductors.


1992 FTM MOTION #81 (RATIFIED - 1992 FBM -Motion #8)
  Brenda Cooper moved that the 1993 selection committee for the CBTF Officials/Judges Module 2 Course Conductors be comprised of: CBTF Technical Chair, CBTF Officials Rep, CBTF Coaches Rep, CBTF Past Technical Chair and CBTF Past Officials Rep.


1992 FTM MOTION #82 (AMENDED & RATIFIED - 1992 FBM - Motion #12)

Brenda Cooper moved that items to be taken into consideration in the selection of CBTF Module 2 Course Conductors:

  1. Judging experience.
  2. Attendance at updating seminars.
  3. Course conducting experience (officials/coaches/gymnastics/other fields, etc).
  4. Characteristics - professional, reliable, self-motivated, dedicated, unbiased, presentation abilities, voice control
  5. Availability - long term
  6. CBTF member in good standing
  7. Sufficient CBTF technical knowledge
  8. High ethical standards
  9. Genuine interest in promoting aims and objectives of CBTF


1992 FTM MOTION #83 (RATIFIED - 1992 FBM - Motion #8)
  Brenda Cooper moved that previous "judges" examiners are automatically course conductors for Officials/Judges Module 1,2,3,4 & 5 (Ron Kopas, Nancy Beachin, Elaine Jacobs, Deardra Leslie).


1992 FTM MOTION #84 (AMENDED & RATIFIED - 1992 FBM - Motion #13)
(AMENDED - 84 FTM - Motion #15)
(AMENDED - 00 FTM-Prop #15; RATIFIED - 00 FBM-Motion #12)
( AMENDED - 04 FTM-Prop #9; RATIFIED - 04 FBM-Motion #16)

Brenda Cooper moved that the Judges Course Conductor Fee Schedule be as follows:

Combined L2 Coaches & M1 Judges Course
One Course Conductor
- Combined Course fee - $300 (based on 36 hours @ $15/hr)
- Exam Marking fee - $30 (based on 6 exams @ $5/exam) per participant
(Note: Should it be necessary to hire one Course Conductor to instruct the Coaches portion and one to conduct the Judges portion at one course, then the above Combined Course Fee would be split and the Exam Marking Fee would be based on the number of exams (at $5/exam) that each CC would be responsible for.)
One Course Conductor - Separate Sessions
- The Coaches Level 2 portion only or the Judges Module 1 portion only would be $225 each (based on 18 hours @ $15/hr)
- Exam Marking Fee of $20 (based on 4 exams @ $5/exam) per participant

Module 2 - 2 hrs - $300 + all expenses + $10 per exam graded

Module 3 - 12 hrs - $180 + all expenses + $10 per exam graded

Module 4 - 8 hrs - $120 + all expenses + $5 per exam graded

Module 5 - 24 hrs - $360 + all expenses + $15 per exam graded

Masters - 24 hrs - $360 + all expenses + $14 per exam graded

  • All courses are based on the estimated course time at $15/hour.
  • Course Fee is payable to the CC upon completion of the course. Marking Fee is payable to the CC upon release of results to the participants. CC shall notify the Event Director when this has been done.
  • Any other course related expenses incurred by the CC as indicated on the CC contract will be paid upon submission of receipts.


1992 FTM MOTION #85 (RATIFIED - 1992 FBM - Motion #8)
  Brenda Cooper moved that expenses (travel, hotel, per diem) incurred by the following CBTF selected officials/judges course conductors, be covered by CBTF at CBTF officials/judges work-in-progress (modules) meetings for course conductors: Debbie Nikolai (from within Canada), Ron Kopas, Brenda Cooper, Deardra Leslie, Elaine Jacobs, Nancy Beachin, Jennifer Meron.


1992 FTM MOTION #99 (AMENDED & RATIFIED - 92 FBM - Motion #17)
  Ron Kopas moved that all course conductors for Officials/Judges modules and coaching levels set a reasonable time frame (period of three months from date of examination - extenuating circumstances to be considered) for results being distributed. The course conductors receive their flat rate during examinations and their exam marking fee at the conclusion of results being sent out.


1992 FTM MOTION #101 (RATIFIED - 1992 FBM - Motion #8)
  Susan Irwin moved that CBTF selected participants in CBTF course conductors workshop for Coaches Pre-Level 1 and Level 1 (Sandi Watt, Nancy Beachin & Deardra Leslie) be automatically invited to attend the (coaches) Level 2 Workshop for Course Conductors.


1992 FTM MOTION #102 (RATIFIED - 1992 FBM - Motion #8)
  Susan Irwin moved that expenses (travel, hotel, per diem) incurred by the following CBTF selection coaches course conductors at CBTF coaches work-in-progress meetings for course conductors be covered by CBTF (Sandi Watt, Nancy Beachin, Deardra Leslie).


1992 FTM MOTION #106 (AMENDED & RATIFIED - 92 FBM - Motion #12)

Susan Irwin moved that considerations for selecting CBTF Level 2 Course Conductors be as follows:

  1. Coaching experience
  2. Attendance at updating seminars
  3. Course conducting experience
  4. Characteristics - professional, reliable, self-motivated, dedicated, unbiased, presentation abilities, voice control
  5. Availability
  6. CBTF member in good standing
  7. Sufficient CBTF technical knowledge
  8. High ethical standards
  9. Genuine interest in promoting aims and objectives of CBTF


1992 FBM MOTION #16 (to replace Motion #92 - 1992 FTM)
  Elva Taylor moved that we do not pay retroactive examiner's fees as per Motion #92 of the 1992 Fall Technical Meeting.


1993 SBM MOTION #17
  Brenda Cooper moved that CBTF recommend participants in CBTF Module 1 Course Conductors Workshop (Brenda Cooper, Deardra Leslie) be automatic Course Conductors for CBTF Officials Module 1 and Officials Module 2 after completion of the CBTF Officials Module 2 Workshop.


  Theresa Eyssens moved that CBTF coaches and judges seminars and courses be taught in French or English depending on the language of the course conductor. If a province needs to teach a course in French, the province would be responsible to make a translator available.


  Nancy Beachin moved that course conductors for coaching and judging certification forward all results to CBTF National Coaches Rep or Judges Rep. Exams are not to be returned to participants.


  Nancy Beachin moved that CBTF coaching and judging certification course conductors be responsible for compiling results and sending out to participants.



Myra Kirk moved that CBTF Coaches Course Conductors be paid for marking exams:

Pre-Level 1 $5.00 per exam
Level 1 $10.00 per exam
Level 2 $15.00 per exam

This will not be paid until all exams are returned.


  Nancy Beachin moved that CBTF Module 1 Judges Course Conductors be assigned the job of revising the course. Each course conductor will be requested to update one section of the manual. Theresa Eyssens will coordinate the work assignments. A draft will be presented at the fall technical meeting.


(At the 94 FTM, Motion #38 moved to rescind this motion to allow for a revised process. At the 95 FBM, the Board deferred the proposed revision to the newly formed Course Conductors Selection Committee.)

Alison Brown moved that the requirement for the CBTF Coaches Level 2 practical portion of the course be one of the following:

  1. The candidate must pass the Silver Pin (badge program) with a minimum A+ grade. This can be completed by challenging the Silver Pin allowing the candidate to bypass the previous badges.
  2. The candidate must prove that he/she has an athlete that has passed at least the Silver Pin (badge program) with a minimum A+ grade.
  3. The candidate must demonstrate the knowledge of and the ability to coach the Silver Pin (badge program) as designated by the Course Conductor.

Effective Immediately


  Linda Boyd moved that the practical requirement for CBTF Level 1 Coaches Course will be evaluated by the course conductor if possible. If, due to the number of attendees, another certified course conductor can be used to evaluate. A certified badge adjudicator may be used for the badge testing only.


  Deardra Leslie moved that the practical portion of the CBTF Coaches Level 2 Course must be adjudicated by the course conductor, if possible. If, due to the number of participants, another certified CBTF Level 2 Coaches Course Conductor can be used to evaluate this portion. A CBTF certified badge adjudicator can be used for the badge testing only. Effective Immediately


  Tim King moved that Deardra Leslie and Ron Kopas be the only course conductors for the CBTF Judges Module 2 until the selection criteria be developed by the CBTF Technical Committee. (Deardra & Ron developed the course). Effective Immediately



Betty Davis moved that the CBTF Coaches Course Conductors' Fees be as follows:

Level 1
$150.00 (based on 10 hrs at $15.00 per hr)

Combined L2 Coaches & M1 Judges Course
One Course Conductor
- Combined Course fee - $300 (based on 36 hours @ $15/hr)
- Exam Marking fee - $30 (based on 6 exams @ $5/exam) per participant
(Note: Should it be necessary to hire one Course Conductor to instruct the Coaches portion and one to conduct the Judges portion at one course, then the above Combined Course Fee would be split and the Exam Marking Fee would be based on the number of exams (at $5/exam) that each CC would be responsible for.)

L2 Coaches & M1 Judges Course - Separate Sessions
One Course Conductor - Separate Sessions
- The Coaches Level 2 portion only or the Judges Module 1 portion only would be $225 each (based on 18 hours @ $15/hr)
- Exam Marking Fee of $20 (based on 4 exams @ $5/exam) per participant

Level 3
- $480.00 (based on 32 hrs at $15.00 per hr)

Practical testing will be paid $10.00 per hour (paid to a 2nd CC if required to help)

Marking Fees
- Level 1: $5.00 per participant for exams
- Level 2 - see above
- Level 3 - $15.00 per exam

  • Course Fee is payable to the CC upon completion of the course.
  • Marking Fee is payable to the CC upon release of results to the participants. CC shall notify the Event Director when this has been done.
  • Any other course related expenses incurred by the CC as indicated on the CC contract will be paid upon submission of receipts.


1994 FBM MOTION #34
  Laura Jean moved that all previously selected certified Judges and Coaches Course Conductors be recognized as course conductors for their particular course and that they be supplied with all necessary updates as soon as possible at no charge. A list of the recognized course conductors as of this meeting to be attached to the minutes for distribution.



That the Selection Committee for Course Conductors for all Judges, Coaches and Adjudicator Courses consist of the following people:

CBTF President (or designate)
CBTF Technical Chair
CBTF Judges Rep
CBTF Coaches Rep
CBTF Group Events Rep



Elan Paluck proposed that a Course Conductor training manual be designed for each coaching program beginning with Level 1.

Effective Immediately



Elan Paluck proposed that, although the CBTF just recently developed the criteria for becoming a coaches or judges course conductor, the following standards must be met within our coaching course conductor development process:

  • Must attend CBTF course conductor training
  • Must have certification for at least one training level above the level for which the certification is being taught.
  • All CC's are required to attend a training course to be evaluated by a Master Course Conductor every three years
  • All CC's are required to meet the above NCCP standards.
  • Equivalency will be granted for persons with a degree in Education.
  • All current CC's will not be required to attend a training course.
  • All current CC's, however, will be required to upgrade or be evaluated every three years. It is strongly urged that all CC's plan to attend an NCCP training seminar.

Effective Immediately



Elan Paluck proposed that the Coaching Advisory Commission develop the policies and procedures required to grant equivalency.

Effective Immediately


  Jennifer Meron proposed that, upon Ron Kopas' obtaining his NCCP Level 2, he will be recognized as a Level 2 Coaches Course Conductor.


1999 FBM MOTION #9

Myra Kirk moved that a Coaches' Course Conductor Seminar be held prior to the 2000 Winter Technical Meeting to include the National Coaches Rep, current Certified Pre-Level 1 Course Conductors, pending course conductors and a representative from each province which does not currently have a Pre-Level 1 course conductor residing in their province. Airfare to be funded by the CBTF.

NOTE: The seminar would include further work on the (new) Level 1 manual, course conductors' manual and the practical components.


1999 FBM MOTION #16

Karen Gratton moved that Myra Kirk be accepted as a Pre-Level 1 (New Level 1) Coaches Course Conductor.

CLARIFICATION: Myra has been instrumental in the revision of this course.


1999 FBM MOTION #18
  Betty Davis moved that the CBTF Course Conductors Criteria be revised to include a clause that allows someone who develops or assists in the development of a coaches, judges, adjudicators course be allowed to become a course conductor for that particular course subject to Board approval.


1999 FBM MOTION #28
  Myra Kirk moved that we approve the oral exam format that was utilized by a CBTF Coaches Course Conductor to test a special needs Level 1 Coaches applicant on November 13, 1999.


1999 FBM MOTION #29

Karen Gratton moved that, should a course conductor determine that an oral exam format is to be used in lieu of the standard written exam format for a judges, coaches or adjudicators course, special written permission shall be obtained from the CBTF Technical Chair after she/he has consulted with the course conductor, the appropriate National Rep, the appropriate Provincial Rep and the CBTF President.

INTENT: Only special cases shall be considered and reviewed on their own merits.

DIRECTIVE: This statement shall be included in all judges, coaches and adjudicators' course manuals.


2004 FBM MOTION #28

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #21, 2004 FTM be accepted as amended:

That Course Conductors for all CBTF Judging Modules must establish the number of competitions and/or number of hours of Practice Judging required by each Course Applicant prior to his/her receiving full certification in that module.

Effective Immediately


2004 FBM MOTION #42

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #37, 2004 FTM be accepted as follows:

That, if an applicant must rewrite any exam or re-do any practical exam for Module 2, 3 or 4 Judges Courses, the applicant or hosting organization must contact the Course Conductor and request that he/she provide a qualified person to oversee the rewrite. The suggested fee for the person overseeing the rewrite is $15.00 per hour and $10.00 marking fee for the Course Conductor.


2004 FBM MOTION #46

Karen Gratton moved to accept the following persons as Course Conductors for the following courses:

  • Level One Coaches Course - Jennifer Olson (ON) & Denise Daoust (ON)
  • Level Two Coaches Course - Denise Daoust (ON) & Sylvia Kernohan (ON)
  • Level Two/Module One Combined Course - Karen Gratton (BC), Tina Cameron (AB), Brenda Bennett (SK), - pending NCCP certification, Myra Kirk (SK), Brenda Cooper (ON), Ron Kopas (ON), Debbie Middleton (NB), Loranne Meek (AB) & Wendy Cruickshank (AB).


2005 FBM MOTION #22

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #13, 2005 STM be accepted as follows:

That course conductors be required to audit (ie: active participation and observation) a course prior to teaching it. If they are unable to attend a course they MUST complete the Home Study Program for that course. If a video of the actual course is available and the Course Conductor cannot attend the course, he/she must also view the video.

(Further to the above - the Board of Directors determined that, when there is a major revision to an existing course, the certified Course Conductors for the old version of the course must also audit the revised course prior to being recognized as a CC for that course.)


2005 FBM MOTION #23

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #14, 2005 STM be accepted as follows with the noted amendments:

That, if extenuating circumstances arise that prevent a Course Conductor applicant from auditing 100% of a course, the Course Conductor who ran the course, in consultation with the National Rep and the National Technical Chair, shall determine if the applicant has completed the certification requirements.


2005 FBM MOTION #38

Karen Gratton moved to approve the following persons as Course Conductors as per the Course Conductor Selection Committee recommendations (Sept 24/05) pending completion of specific requirements:

  • Stephanie Infurnari (ON) - SDP Adjudicator CC
  • Tracy Dunsford (BC) - L2/M1 CC
  • Shannon Webster (BC) - SDP Adjudicator CC, Level 1 CC and L2/M1 CC

Effective Immediately


2005 FBM MOTION #39

Betty Davis moved that all new course materials and tools required to conduct any CBTF courses be provided to the new and existing Course Conductors.

Effective Immediately


2007 FBM MOTION #9 **RESCINDED (see 2008 SBM - Motion #16 below)
  Karen Gratton moved to pay Tina Larson $11.00/DVD to copy and mail eight updated DVD's to L2/M1 Course Conductors.


2007 FBM MOTION #29

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #3 of the 2007 Summer Technical Meeting be accepted as follows:

That all judges' and coaches' course conductors will now submit the results of courses via email to their respective judges' and coaches' national reps.

CLARIFICATION: it is not necessary to send triplicate assessment forms to the national reps.

Effective Immediately


2008 SBM MOTION #16

Karen Gratton moved that Motion #9, 2007 FBM be rescinded and replaced with the following:

To grant Tina Larson approval to make DVD copies of updated L2/M1 Course Conductor information, at a cost of $8.00 each that includes postage to mail them to the eight L2/M1 Course Conductors.


2008 SBM MOTION #20

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #10 of the 2008 Winter Technical Meeting be accepted as follows:

That course participants who take courses from their Course Conductor parent shall have their exams marked by another Course Conductor (of the same course).

Effective Immediately


2008 SBM MOTION #21

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #11 of the 2008 Winter Technical Meeting be accepted as follows:

That those applicants taking the CBTF Judges Master Course who achieve a passing mark of 70% will be designated and certified to judge at Provincial Team Trials, National Team Trials and World Championships.

Effective Immediately


2008 FBM MOTION #24

Karen Gratton moved to accept Proposal #2 from the 2008 FTM that reads:

That the courses for all groups be combined into one course to be called Module Three (M3) and the following CBTF events be included in this module:

  • Pom Pom Teams
  • Dance Twirl Teams
  • Theme Production
  • Parade Corps
  • CBTF Teams
  • CBTF Groups

CLARIFICATION: The section of the Masters Course pertaining to CBTF Teams and CBTF Groups will also be used in the M3 course.

CLARIFICATION: This eliminates the term Module 4


2009 SBM MOTION #11
  Karen Gratton moved to ratify the selection of Tracy Dunsford as an SDP Course Conductor (by the course conductor selection committee).


2010 SBM MOTION #16

Karen Gratton moved that Course Conductors shall receive free CD copies of the course manuals and course conductor handbooks as well as copies of any DVDs they require for the courses they teach.

Effective Date: July 10, 2010


2011 FBM MOTION #30
  Kim Genton moved that the existing Course Conductors take part in the Level One Update being offered before they accept a request to conduct the new (revised) Level One Coaches Course.


2011 FBM MOTION #31
  Elan Paluck moved to appoint the following people as Level 1 Course Conductors for the revised Level One Coaches Course: Sandi Watt, Maureen Johnson, Kim Genton


2012 FBM MOTION # 18 (2012 FTM Prop #4)
  Elan Paluck moved that, in order to be hired to adjudicate the SDP Program, SDP Adjudicators must be members of the CBTF Technical Association.